This Good Word, Episode 38: Masculinity with Nate Pyle

nate pyle

I didn't feel like a man until I was thirty-one. That sounds like an odd thing to say, even by today's standards, when adolescence extends well beyond the teenage years. You would think by the age of thirty-one the struggle to feel like a man would be long over. But it wasn't. Life moved forward without ever giving me that defining moment when I could say, "Now I am a man." Days added on to weeks that added on to months that added on to years, and now I was thirty-one. Which, when you say it out loud, is an age when you should feel like a man.

That's how Nate Pyle's book, Man Enough begins. I loved my conversation with Nate. He is articulate about the struggles that men face, and he is vulnerable about his own struggles. You're going to love this conversation and I hope you also love his book.Enjoy! (If you can't see the player below, simply click here to listen to it).You can read Nate's blog, follow him on Facebook and Twitter, or check out his church if you live near Indianapolis.And I'd encourage you to check out some of his most popular blog posts below.Confronting the Lie that God Won't Give You More Than You Can HandleSeeing a WomanOutrage Over RFRA Might Be a Fear of Christians* * *

My work:

I host a weekly podcast. I wrote a book. I have a website. I am the pastor at a great little church. I am sometimes available to travel to hang with your tribe to help you all become more you. And yes, I do Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Oh, and if you'd like to stay up to date with my writing and events and such, you can subscribe to my email list. There. We're all caught up.