This Good Word, Episode 57: Choose and Choose Again with Kevin Butcher

Version 2"I wanted to die."That's how Kevin Butcher starts his heartbreaking, redemptive new book, Choose and Choose Again: The Brave Act of Returning to God's Love.  He was a very successful pastor at a very large church, he was married with three young daughters, but he was completely empty. He preached about God's love, but didn't know it for himself.He was driving home from a speaking engagement, and his desire to die was so strong that he nearly pulled his car into the embankment of the Allard Overpass and I-94 in Detroit.His book is the story of what happened next: how Kevin finally experienced the radical, expansive love of God at age 36. His book recounts story after story of people that he's met who've also experienced God's love.Kevin is a friend of mine, we met earlier this year in Montana and immediately connected. I'm very grateful for him, for this book, and I hope you enjoy our conversation. After you listen, go out and buy his book! Enjoy. Click here if the player doesn't appear below.

Books that Kevin mentioned:

The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning

My work:

Register now for Genderfull, a one day retreat in St. Paul designed to be "a different kind of conversation about masculinity and femininity and how to find fullness - yours and God's - beyond the binaries," hosted by Erin Lane and Steve Wiens. Click here for more details.I host a weekly podcast. I wrote a book. I have a website. I am the pastor at a great little church. I am sometimes available to travel to hang with your tribe to help you all become more you. And yes, I do Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Oh, and if you’d like to stay up to date with my writing and events and such, you can subscribe to my email list. There. We’re all caught up.