This Good Word, Episode 40 - Sweat (ShowNotes)

photo-1428223501723-d821c5d00ca3In today's episode, I talked about work. There is some work that feels fulfilling, and some work that feels life-sucking. We spend more than a third of our lives at work, and for many of us, it feels like toil instead of fulfillment.But are we asking too much of work? When we demand that our jobs also be fulfilling, is that reasonable?Is work a slavery or a necessity?How do you know when you're supposed to stay at a difficult job or when it's time to quit?I tackled all those questions and more, because I wanted to validate the complexity of our idea of what work is, and what vocation is, and how those two things might be different.For this one especially, I'd love for you to chime in on the comment section. What further questions do you have? What did you resonate with? What type of situation are you in right now in your work?Enjoy.(Click here if the player doesn't show up in your email).* * *


Sobriety and Spirit

Click here for more information about Sobriety and Spirit, my one day event with Seth Haines that is happening on June 25th, 2016, in St. Paul, MN. Sobriety and Spirit is for anyone who wants to enter into an honest conversation about addiction, sobriety, grace, and spirituality. It is for those of us who are addicted – to chemicals, to approval, to obtaining the perfect body, to performance, to sex, or to anything else. It’s also for those who love addicts like us. We hope you’ll join us, no matter where you are at on your journey. We hope you’ll leave with hope, and with some new friends who are fellow travelers on a similar journey.

Register now. 

Sanctuary Church

This Sunday, May 15, I'm preaching at Sanctuary Church in Providence, Rhode Island. I can't wait to spend time with this amazing congregation. I'm also doing an event on Sunday night called "Always Creating, Never Done." If you're nearby, let me know if you're coming! I'd love to see you there. Click here for more information.

My work:

I host a weekly podcast. I wrote a book. I have a website. I am the pastor at a great little church. I am sometimes available to travel to hang with your tribe to help you all become more you. And yes, I do Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Oh, and if you'd like to stay up to date with my writing and events and such, you can subscribe to my email list. There. We're all caught up.