Preparing for Good Friday

Yesterday, my son Isaac posed this question to one of our friends: "Why do they call it good Friday? It doesn't seem good at all." In so many ways, it wasn't good. It was gruesome and horrible. What was it that was good?When Jesus came to Jerusalem a week before he went to the cross, we read that the whole city was "stirred."Stirred?I'm stirred by a good book, the "showgirl" donut at Glam Doll Donuts (which includes maple icing and bacon), and sometimes by an inspiring TED talk.Forgive my extreme nerdity here, but the actual word for stirred in the greek is "seismos," which is where we get our word seismic.  The whole city sensed a radical shift was happening. To convey what was going on as being stirred seems a bit tame.So what was happening? Why did it matter? And why was Good Friday good?Here's the talk I gave on Palm Sunday last week, in which I have fun asking lots of questions about that topic.Enjoy.