So I Just Wanted to Say Thank You

parentingEver since the crazy post from a few months ago, lots and lots of parents of small children have started reading, and commenting, and emailing me, and it’s beautiful. I’ll never forget writing that post in that bakery, tears streaming down my face, so exhausted; an ocean of espresso couldn’t touch the kind of tired that I felt in that moment.And many of you who have joined me on this journey of actually living your actual lives have children with special needs (or SUPER POWERS, as some brilliant parents call it). Through your words I have sensed your weariness, this long march towards the unknown with these children that you love so much.So I just want to say a few things to you moms and dads and grandpas and grandmas and caregivers who love and fail and cry and walk all the way up every hill with your children, even though sometimes you’d rather run the other way. Even though you sometimes hide in the pantry. Even though the anxiety sometimes washes over you and almost drowns you.I wanted to say thank you for what you do. You are the tangible, touchable face of God. You are the body broken and the blood poured out. You are doing one of the most difficult, most important things on planet earth.Thank you.For every phone call you’ve made to every insurance agency and Child & Family Development Center, explaining and understanding and learning your way through a world you never once imagined you’d need to learn.For every form you’ve ever filled out (which are apparently federally mandated to be no less than 10 pages each), attempting to answer questions about your child which feel like a betrayal.For every awkward playground moment that you’ve had to referee, gently guiding your child through their fears and towards the world.For every single meal you’ve artfully navigated through the angry waters of unimaginable pickiness.For every time you’ve broken down, undone and unmade, and somehow gotten back up to do it all again.And for those sweet moments of connection when you’ve simply been present to see that smile, or to hear that voice, or receive that touch. When that happens, you know there is nothing in this world that will stop you from loving your child, even if the pickiness and crabbiness momentarily makes you want to move to Peru and abandon it all.You didn’t apply for this job, no one asked you if you were ready for it, and it’s never over. It requires more from you every day than you woke up believing you had.But you’re going to do it again today. These little ones with SUPER POWERS are going to stretch you and pull you and take you up the hill again today. They’re going to teach you, ready or not.And you are going to go there today, imperfectly and with lots of pantry breaks, but you’re going to go there, all the way up that hill, again.So thank you.I just wanted to say thank you. It matters and it’s worth it. You are a blessing to the world.Photo Source